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Die Suche ergab 3 Treffer

von pieters
Di 27. Apr 2010, 08:55
Forum: HiFi-Stereo-Lautsprecher
Thema: NuVero 11 speakers with Quad 66/606 is good match?
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 1409

nubert helpline

In reply to the friendly posting of Stevienew : i actually started off by mailing Nubert whether they had any experience with the quad / Nubert combination, and they replied that " 140 watts per channel (8 ohms) are enough to push on nuVero 11, but we haven’t ever listened to our speakers with Quad ...
von pieters
Mo 26. Apr 2010, 22:34
Forum: HiFi-Stereo-Lautsprecher
Thema: NuVero 11 speakers with Quad 66/606 is good match?
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 1409

room size

Thanks for the reactions. I do realize the amplifier is not as important as the speakers, however the quad does have some colour, it is a bit soft. So that is one of the reasons i am considering the nubert speakers, i guess they might compensate for some of this softness.
And for the requested ...
von pieters
Mo 26. Apr 2010, 19:04
Forum: HiFi-Stereo-Lautsprecher
Thema: NuVero 11 speakers with Quad 66/606 is good match?
Antworten: 7
Zugriffe: 1409

NuVero 11 speakers with Quad 66/606 is good match?

Sorry for posting in english but i am from Holland and my german is not soo good. I am thinking of modernizing my present hifi system, consisting of a Quad 66/606 with B&W Matrix III speakers. This is a more or less classic british combination, and although i do consider the newer models of the B&W ...