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Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer

von Freddie
Do 21. Okt 2021, 16:02
Forum: nuPro® Serie
Thema: X-4000 ohne sub; X-3000 mit XW700 oder mit XW900?
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 1871

Re: X-4000 ohne sub; X-3000 mit XW700 oder mit XW900?

Because of long liefertermin of the sub, I prosponed my purchase till this autumn.

By accident, a while ago, I ended up in a shop for electric appliances (vacuum cleaners, dishwasher etc.).
This shop also sold audio and TV's and had a listening room.
In it I listenend to a simular set as ...
von Freddie
Do 4. Feb 2021, 17:05
Forum: nuPro® Serie
Thema: X-4000 ohne sub; X-3000 mit XW700 oder mit XW900?
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 1871

Re: X-4000 ohne sub; X-3000 mit XW700 oder mit XW900?

Ben018, thanks for yor thoughts. They are very helpful. I read it as another "vote" for the X-4000 + XW-900 combination.

I don't said I generally prefer the X-3000 over the the X-4000 for your room

You are right. Mo 1. Feb 2021, 19:52 I wrote "You tend to prefer the X-3000 over the X-4000 for ...
von Freddie
Do 4. Feb 2021, 00:38
Forum: nuPro® Serie
Thema: X-4000 ohne sub; X-3000 mit XW700 oder mit XW900?
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 1871

Re: X-4000 ohne sub; X-3000 mit XW700 oder mit XW900?

Thank you, Listener and aaof for your clear answers. It will be two X-4000 + one XW-900 for me!
First I have to make some other choices, after that I can order my Nuberts.
von Freddie
Mi 3. Feb 2021, 20:16
Forum: nuPro® Serie
Thema: X-4000 ohne sub; X-3000 mit XW700 oder mit XW900?
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 1871

Re: X-4000 ohne sub; X-3000 mit XW700 oder mit XW900?

Hello Ben and aaof,

Thank you very much for your replies.
You are spoiling me by answering me in English, thank you!

From your answers I conclude that I will need at least one sub.
I think I will settle for one XW-900 as I don't need an even bass distribution for the whole room, only in the area ...
von Freddie
Mo 1. Feb 2021, 20:14
Forum: nuPro® Serie
Thema: X-4000 ohne sub; X-3000 mit XW700 oder mit XW900?
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 1871

X-4000 ohne sub; X-3000 mit XW700 oder mit XW900?

Hallo zusammen!

Ich bin hier neu. And my German is not very good.
I hope you don't mind posting here in English. I can read German though!

In the near future, I am going to replace my aging floorstanders (Epos M22).
I could use a little more bass. Allbeit a relaxed non-booming bass. Just deep ...