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Good match for nuLine 122/102

Fragen und Antworten zu Nubert Boxen in klassischer Zwei-Kanal-Anwendung
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Registriert: Fr 14. Mai 2010, 14:45
Wohnort: Leimen

Good match for nuLine 122/102

Beitrag von cloudscape »

Sorry for posting in english because my german is not sooo good. :roll:

I am thinking of modernizing my present hi-fi system. Fortunately I have tested several nubert speakers in their Hörstudios and almost made up my mind to go for nuLine 122. Now I got some questions and really want to hear your advices / experiences.

1. Even though I've already decided, I wonder if 122 is showing a (big) difference with nuLine 102. (I couldn't get a chance to listen to the sound of 102) If not, seriously I need to take into consideration 102 as well.

2. Which amplifier & CDP could be the best match for nuLine 122? Unfortunately the budget for amp + CDP is limited (1,000 ~ 1,500Eur) and if it is exceeded, I might have a problem with my wife :twisted: I am thinking Yamaha, Marantz, Cambridge Audio or Creek within such price range. Just to inform, I normally listen to the classical music (mainly piano & violin)

I am ready to listen carefully to your advice. :D
Thanks in advance.
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Registriert: Fr 31. Aug 2007, 22:04
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Beitrag von Stellvertreter »

1. If you already listened to the 122 and liked it then go for this one. It is always a matter of personal preference and the 102 is a very fine speaker but you never get the deep bass of the 122 monster :) I own a nuWave 105 (this series was cancelled) and if the bigger one (nuWave 125 = nuLine 122 if you compare) would have suited in my small living room I would have gone for the bigger one.

This point of view might sound a little narrow because not everything - especially with nubert speakers - is about bass. But if you get used to 122 you wouldn't want to go back to a smaller one ;)

EDIT: now I read the last part of your post. ;) Maybe for your music preferences the 102 might be awesome as well and the difference not as big as for Rock music and such. However, there are others here who can help you better as they have more experience with classic music and nubert speakers. :) Also the 102 plus ATM would be an option.
War mal User 'Franky' (PW + Email verschollen): http://tinyurl.com/6h3f3dg

Film & Musik: 2x nuVero 3, 1x nuVero 7, 2x nuLine DS-22, AW560 [PC: 2x nuBox 101 + AW-441, Bett: 2x nuWave RS-5], Am Digital-Piano D1: 2x nuBox A125 | Stehen rum: nuPro A-10
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Beitrag von touri »

As always the users in this forum recommend to test different speakers in your own environment/room.
So maybe it would be a good advise to order both speakers (122+ 102) and to decide after testing, which one is going to stay?

Kind regards
Beiträge: 941
Registriert: Mo 1. Okt 2007, 13:03

Beitrag von hank_chinaski »

Hey Cloudscape,

I cannot give you recommendations in regard to amp and cdp except this one: phone the nubert-hotline.
Or: read the hifi-setups in the signatur of some forum-users

best wishes

hank :!:
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Beiträge: 4
Registriert: Fr 14. Mai 2010, 14:45
Wohnort: Leimen

Beitrag von cloudscape »

hank_chinaski hat geschrieben:Hey Cloudscape,

I cannot give you recommendations in regard to amp and cdp except this one: phone the nubert-hotline.
Or: read the hifi-setups in the signatur of some forum-users

best wishes

hank :!:
Thanks, Hank. I missed that area :oops: - I will try to find out the proper info there.
Zuletzt geändert von cloudscape am Fr 14. Mai 2010, 16:56, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Beiträge: 4
Registriert: Fr 14. Mai 2010, 14:45
Wohnort: Leimen

Beitrag von cloudscape »

Stellvertreter hat geschrieben:1. If you already listened to the 122 and liked it then go for this one. It is always a matter of personal preference and the 102 is a very fine speaker but you never get the deep bass of the 122 monster :) I own a nuWave 105 (this series was cancelled) and if the bigger one (nuWave 125 = nuLine 122 if you compare) would have suited in my small living room I would have gone for the bigger one.

This point of view might sound a little narrow because not everything - especially with nubert speakers - is about bass. But if you get used to 122 you wouldn't want to go back to a smaller one ;)

EDIT: now I read the last part of your post. ;) Maybe for your music preferences the 102 might be awesome as well and the difference not as big as for Rock music and such. However, there are others here who can help you better as they have more experience with classic music and nubert speakers. :) Also the 102 plus ATM would be an option.
Thanks! ATM could be the nice idea but normally I prefer to the natural sound. Anyhow, I think 122 would be the right choice.
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Beiträge: 4
Registriert: Fr 14. Mai 2010, 14:45
Wohnort: Leimen

Beitrag von cloudscape »

touri hat geschrieben:As always the users in this forum recommend to test different speakers in your own environment/room.
So maybe it would be a good advise to order both speakers (122+ 102) and to decide after testing, which one is going to stay?

Kind regards
Thanks, if I decided other equipments by chance, then seriously I have to consider your idea. :)
Beiträge: 139
Registriert: Do 3. Dez 2009, 17:17

Beitrag von Meischlix »


I have bought the nuLine 122 a couple of weeks ago and I am very impressed by the genuine rendition of these loudspeakers. Actually, I like classical music very much and especially for this kind of music the big nuLine is perfect. The piano is one out of only a few nativ classical instruments wich are able to play notes below 40 Hz. So, I prefer for this kind of music well-balanced loudspeakers with an extendend gamut.

The nuLine 122 is very huge and needs "air to breath" meaning the box should not be situated direktly in the corner of a room or near the wall. Nubert recommend a minimal distance to the walls of 60 cm. If your room will fit this recommodation I guess you will be very happy with these Loudspeakers.

Kind regards

Samsung LE46A956 LED-LCD / Sony BDP-S770 / Marantz SR6004 / Marantz CD6003 / nuLine 122 + ATM / CS-72 / DS-22 / AW-1000
Beiträge: 486
Registriert: Di 8. Sep 2009, 08:08
Wohnort: bbg <> qlb

Beitrag von dadant_de »

cloudscape hat geschrieben:Thanks! ATM could be the nice idea but normally I prefer to the natural sound. Anyhow, I think 122 would be the right choice.
an ATM widens the range of frequencies and expands the abilities of adapting the sound to your personal preferences.
the sound itself stays neutral, plain and honest - if you want.
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Registriert: So 21. Jan 2007, 17:23
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Beitrag von Stevienew »

Hello cloudscape,
both speakers might match very well :lol: . The most important criteria are the possibilities to place the speakers in your room 8O and the acoustic circumstances in this room. Maybe you can explain a little bit how your room is like or you can post a picture?
Concerning the electronic equipment you might have a look on NAD.

best wishes

Manchmal ist es besser, durch Schweigen den Eindruck von Inkompetenz zu erwecken, als durch Reden letzte Zweifel daran endgültig auszuräumen (A. L.)

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