Aus aktuellem Anlaß möchte ich auf eine hervorragende Melodeath-Band aus Bonn hinweisen, die seit Mitte der 90er ihr Unwesen treibt und sich leider und unverständlicherweise ohne Label durchwursteln muß. Die Rede ist von
Aardvarks , deren Sänger mich gestern fragte, ob er eine Review welche ich auf geschrieben hatte auf der Band-Homepage veröffentlichen dürfe. Klar darf er das, welch Ehre.
Hier die besagte Review, zur 2008er EP
Pro Victoria:
"After I ordered Aardvarks' Conglomerate (South America Edition) recently, I expressed my hopes to vocalist Guido Meyer de Voltaire that there will be a new release by the band soon. He answered that there is a 2008 release actually, and kindly provided the link to the digital files as well. Pro Victoria contains an intro and 3 tracks. I'm happy to tell you that the band didn't lose anything of their greatness, despite other opinions circulating on different internet sites. It's still their very uncompromising and individual brand of melodeath, with even a distinct improvement in detailedness, songwriting and arrangements. Fortunately Aardvarks are still not sucking up at all to any commercial metal mainstream vogue.
"Life" is maybe the best track I ever heard from Aardvarks, with many tempo changes and awesome riffing covered with Guido's divine melodeath growls. The next track is in German language, what doesn't mean that I understand more than a few snatches here and there, since it's performed in a strange local tongue that I don't understand at all (from Cologne region I guess). Musically it's a great midtempo headbanging track, very strong stuff. The title track "Pro Victoria" is of a similar caliber as "Life" again, so I can sum up, that Pro Victoria is a very strong life sign by Aardvarks and I can only encourage you to support this great band by ordering some of their superb releases on their homepage. Unfortunately Pro Victoria is only available as a CD-R so far, hopefully there will be a complete release on real CD soon, because the quality of Aardvarks' output deserves this really badly, I mean really, it does."
Video (aus einem früheren Album)