Re: Denon X4100W mit 4K@60Hz
Verfasst: Mo 28. Feb 2022, 14:41
Audyssey habe ich mir bspw. aktuell so eingestellt, dass es nur bis zu 350 Hz eingreift. Oben drüber macht es dann nichts. Was die Mid Range Compensation angeht ist es auch wirklich Geschmackssache. Mir gefällt es auch nicht.
Der Sinn dahinter: ... %20changes.
Der Sinn dahinter:
Midrange compensation is an intentional dip in the 2 kHz region where the vast majority of tweeter-to-midrange crossovers are. In that region the tweeter is at the low end of its range and the midrange at the high end of its range and the directivity of the speaker goes through major changes. We found that if that region is equalized to flat, the change in direct to reflected ratio that happens because of the directivity variations causes voices to sound harsh (among other things). So, we have this implemented in the Audyssey target curve. With MultEQ Pro you can choose to turn it off, but we don't recommend it. This notion was observed 40 years ago by BBC speaker designers in their studio monitors. They designed their speakers with this "BBC dip" intentionally in the speaker response. ... %20changes.