SATLIVE Webinar am 26.01.2015
Verfasst: So 25. Jan 2015, 14:51
SATlive Small - Talk is sheduled for Monday, January 26th, 20:00 MEZ (GMT + 1). ... alk/119758
Some remarks:
- On the start page, there is a Location selection on the lower right (might be that you need to scroll down to see), where you can choose your language for the log - in.
- Even if there is no 'registration - close - time' set for this webinar, I suggest that you register before start of the webinar, because
a) you need to register to participate, which involves an e-mail verification, which might take some time
b) you can check if your internet - connection and your browser meet the requirements
c) The number of participants is limited to 20 (because it is for free. If I'd charge some money for it, 100 participants would be possible).
Looking forward to meet you.
Tomy ... alk/119758
Some remarks:
- On the start page, there is a Location selection on the lower right (might be that you need to scroll down to see), where you can choose your language for the log - in.
- Even if there is no 'registration - close - time' set for this webinar, I suggest that you register before start of the webinar, because
a) you need to register to participate, which involves an e-mail verification, which might take some time
b) you can check if your internet - connection and your browser meet the requirements
c) The number of participants is limited to 20 (because it is for free. If I'd charge some money for it, 100 participants would be possible).
Looking forward to meet you.