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Die Suche ergab 4 Treffer

von cloudscape
Fr 14. Mai 2010, 16:55
Forum: HiFi-Stereo-Lautsprecher
Thema: Good match for nuLine 122/102
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 2403

As always the users in this forum recommend to test different speakers in your own environment/room.
So maybe it would be a good advise to order both speakers (122+ 102) and to decide after testing, which one is going to stay?

Kind regards
Thanks, if I decided other equipments by chance, then ...
von cloudscape
Fr 14. Mai 2010, 16:53
Forum: HiFi-Stereo-Lautsprecher
Thema: Good match for nuLine 122/102
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 2403

1. If you already listened to the 122 and liked it then go for this one. It is always a matter of personal preference and the 102 is a very fine speaker but you never get the deep bass of the 122 monster :) I own a nuWave 105 (this series was cancelled) and if the bigger one (nuWave 125 = nuLine ...
von cloudscape
Fr 14. Mai 2010, 16:51
Forum: HiFi-Stereo-Lautsprecher
Thema: Good match for nuLine 122/102
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 2403

hank_chinaski hat geschrieben:Hey Cloudscape,

I cannot give you recommendations in regard to amp and cdp except this one: phone the nubert-hotline.
Or: read the hifi-setups in the signatur of some forum-users

best wishes

hank :!:
Thanks, Hank. I missed that area :oops: - I will try to find out the proper info there.
von cloudscape
Fr 14. Mai 2010, 15:27
Forum: HiFi-Stereo-Lautsprecher
Thema: Good match for nuLine 122/102
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 2403

Good match for nuLine 122/102

Sorry for posting in english because my german is not sooo good. :roll:

I am thinking of modernizing my present hi-fi system. Fortunately I have tested several nubert speakers in their Hörstudios and almost made up my mind to go for nuLine 122. Now I got some questions and really want to hear your ...