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Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von kminov
Di 5. Mai 2020, 18:09
Forum: Allgemeines über Nubert und nuProdukte
Thema: Nubox 300
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 777

Re: Nubox 300

Got you, thanks!
von kminov
Di 5. Mai 2020, 16:35
Forum: Allgemeines über Nubert und nuProdukte
Thema: Nubox 300
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 777

Nubox 300

Hey guys,

I can get a relatively cheap nubox 300, wondering if they are any good?

My current setup is an integrated Jolida amp with Tannoy Precision boxes, how would the 300s compare to those? I am not looking to replace the Tannoy's, but use them in another room.
I will be setting up the 300's ...