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Nubox 300

Fragen und Antworten rund um Produkte und Dienstleistungen der Nubert Speaker Factory und Nubert electronic GmbH.
gerade reingestolpert
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Di 5. Mai 2020, 16:31

Nubox 300

Beitrag von kminov »

Hey guys,

I can get a relatively cheap nubox 300, wondering if they are any good?

My current setup is an integrated Jolida amp with Tannoy Precision boxes, how would the 300s compare to those? I am not looking to replace the Tannoy's, but use them in another room.
I will be setting up the 300's in a small room, s size is not a concern here.
R. Steidle
Beiträge: 2697
Registriert: Mi 23. Okt 2013, 15:25
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Re: Nubox 300

Beitrag von R. Steidle »

20 years ago, these were fantastic. I am sure they are still pretty darn good today. But comparing these to the Tannoys would be comparing apples to oranges, really. These are two very different speakers in pretty much every regard: size, construction, price, age, technology, tuning ... Best to just give them a listen and hear for yourself.
gerade reingestolpert
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Di 5. Mai 2020, 16:31

Re: Nubox 300

Beitrag von kminov »

Got you, thanks!