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Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer

von Wagenflks
Di 12. Jan 2021, 10:14
Forum: nuPro® Serie
Thema: NuPro AS-250 stereo Aux -> one side not working
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 598

Re: NuPro AS-250 stereo Aux -> one side not working

Danke, I have called and was very nicely helped.
3 options:
1) Send back for repairs, would cost ~200 EUR
2) Use ADC for the RCA signal and use the digital input of the Nubert for my music.
3) Open up the back panel to see if some soldering or connection got loose during the moving of the equipment ...
von Wagenflks
Fr 8. Jan 2021, 19:19
Forum: nuPro® Serie
Thema: NuPro AS-250 stereo Aux -> one side not working
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 598

NuPro AS-250 stereo Aux -> one side not working

Hi all,

I am using an AS-250 for al long time, optical signal from TV, and Aux signal from a Chromecast Audio to listen to radio stations (3.5mm jack to 2x RCA 'tulip'). Always working perfectly, including the Auto on/off function.

Last week, we moved the AS-250 to a different location (another ...