Squeeze hat geschrieben: Sa 29. Apr 2023, 23:16
Ich finde die aufgelisteten Reaktionen im
MQA-Artikel der englischen Wikipedia sehr interessant.
Beispiel: "[...] the MQA technology is now seen as lacking any benefit for anyone other than record labels and MQA Ltd."
Diese Reaktion bringt es auf den Punkt:
In a blog post titled "MQA is Bad for Music. Here's Why", hi-fi manufacturer Linn Products criticises MQA's licensing requirements, asserting that MQA is "...an attempt to control and extract revenue from every part of the supply chain, and not just over content that they hold the rights for."[42] After having discussed several disadvantages for both the artist and the consumer Linn concludes that a consumer will "…pay a higher price for the same music, and you'll pay more for your hi-fi system too. And even if you don't buy into MQA, everyone will get less innovation, creativity and poorer music as a result."[42]